Sunday, March 27, 2005

Saturday night on the computer....

Not quite as exciting as Saturday night at the movies, but you get my drift.

At the moment the wee man is sleeping, bum in the air, face slobbering on his pillow. The big man of the house is watching some nonsense on Channel 5 and here I am, poised at the computer at 10.19pm on a Saturday night.

Already tonight I've received two invites to go out, but washing needed to be done and the thought of dealing with mad baby with a hangover just somehow doesn't appeal.

I fear I may be getting old before my time. I always promised myself that becoming a mum would not change who I was. That person was a salsa dancing freakette who loved to boogie...the sad reality is I cant remember the last time I danced without a baby on my hip.

Ususally a Saturday night would have seen me dressed in some sparkly top with impossibly high heels dancing to the latest "toons"...but here I am; hair scraped back, trackie bottoms on, squashed banana somewhere, at least 2 stone overweight (for two read four) and feeling slightly the worse for wear after two glasses of wine.

I am becoming the stereotypical sad-case mammy. Before you know it I will be downing bottles of gin in front of Phil and Fern and thinking it would actually be a good idea to appear on the Trisha show.

Of course I could go and ravish himself...but that would involve a quick stop off at the bathroom to shave my stubbly legs.....

Whoever wrote about "Hot Mamas" was full of pish!

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