Sunday, September 10, 2006

Month 31- Chatter, chatter,chatter

My darling boy.
You have not shut up all month. It amazes me to have the most grown up conversations with you when you freak me out with your knowledge of the world.
Okay, you aren't ready for your slot on BBC 24 just yet, but you know all about emergency vehicles and their uses. You also have developed a very keen interest in theology, debating at length and at great volume about whether or not a church in is fact a house of God or a castle. Your Auntie Emma is exceptionally proud of your aetheist leanings.
You also seemed to have developed a keen interest in popular culture. I cannot tell you how close I came to crashing the car as your encouraged me to "shake my rudebox". Damn that Robbie Williams for corrupting your innocent mind.
Last month I wondered would it be possible for me to love you any more. The answer is yes, God yes, I love you now more than ever. It is, I think, that as you grow more independent you still keep that special place in your heart for your mammy and when you call my name, beg me to play with you or hug me close and tell me you love me, I feel the most content I ever have in my life.
With love for always,

1 comment:

The Rogue said...

hey i lurv reading your blogs!.. real fun, i must say.. thanks for the fab read!

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