Friday, August 14, 2009

Pick up your order at Collection Point A

I've decided I'm going to give Cosmic Ordering a shout.
I figure if it worked for Noel Edmunds, it might just work for me.
So, according to my wee daily messages from the Universe all I have to do it ask for it, go and get and think like I already have it. In other words, fake it til I make it.

So here - if I could pick my future from the catalogue of life - is my list

  • A book deal outside of Ireland. I love Poolbeg and all who sail in her and I hope to be a part of the Poolers family for many a year to come - but someone else will publish me and I'll be proud as punch to find out how Rainy Days and Tuesday translates into Polish.
  • A resurgance in house prices so that my wee house stops veering towards negative equity and back in the right direction. Not massively - just enough. I will be paying a decent interest on our remortgage and thinking "Phew, I worried about that?" for years to come.
  • I will be self confident and sure of my own worth - as a friend, a mother, a sister, a wife, a daughter an employee and as a writer.
  • I will no longer sweat the small stuff.
  • Happiness for my children - they will be confident, happy, likeable children.
  • And a cordless phone. (Wait! This isn't Argos???)

1 comment:

Gherkin said...

Ditto to ALL of the above for me too, especially no more sweating the small stuff! That is my plan too!

*Raising virtual wine glass to the west*

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