Friday, April 10, 2009

Things I have to had to stop myself saying in the last five weeks...

In reply to "Are you feeding her yourself?"-
"No I have a team of robot nannies who do it for me".

No, I'm not breastfeeding but yes, I am actually still managing to feed her myself the majority of times. It does not mean I love her any less or care any less for her future thank you. And she is thriving - so while I appreciate your concern for the welfare of my child - trust me she is just bloody fine so butt bloody out.

And secondly... in response to "Are you using real nappies?"
"No, I prefer the imaginary ones."

I don't use cloth nappies because they don't suit me. That does not mean disposables are not "real". I do use reusable baby wipes however (which grosses my sister out...) so I'm not totally un-eco aware.

Parenthood and the competitiveness which comes with it really, really sucks.


Lucy said...

Yeah, it does suck! My personal favourite was "Is he sleeping through yet?" No, he bloody isn't! (Didn't the bags under my eyes and total sense of humour failure give them a clue?)

Perceval said...

Are you feeding her yourself? No, she's already using a spoon - miracle baby!

those questions ...

Stickhead said...

In response to 'are you feeing the baby yourself?' I have, I fear, in the past uttered 'no, I can't be arsed....' ;).

I think some people ask it not in a competitive way but in a curious one - but they can't bring themselves to say the word breast.


Debs Riccio said...

Hee! I remember it well - doesn't seem to change, does it? I don't know why it feels like competitiveness but it does - there should be a T-shirt that reads "Shut the F**k up until it can answer for itself" - toddler answers are ALWAYS the right ones IMO!

Keris Stainton said...

I was really surprised at the feeding question which EVERYONE has asked (even the waitress in a cafe!). It's fairly personal, no? I haven't had the nappy question. My second most frequent question has been 'Was it natural or caesarean?' Also personal. (And the waitress asked that too!)

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