Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a blue Monday

So, it's officially the most depressing day of the year.. and I can't argue with that but to cheer you up I've decided to post this doctored picture of my very cute nephew and godson, Ethan - who is four and a half months old and has - in the last week- actually decided to grace me with very gorgeous smiles.

Anyway - this is my sister's attempt to prove her son looks like his daddy...

He does, in fact, actually look like this...

He's a gorgeous, funny little ray of sunshine who has brought us all so much joy - even if he does have the uncanny ability to look at you as if you are from another planet.

In other good news my friend Nora gave birth this morning to a gorgeous baby girl- no name released yet - but mammy and baby are doing well.

So Blue Monday - stick that in your pipe and smoke it.


Gillian McDade said...

Aw so cute! Happy Monday to all readers of Claire's blog!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Happy Monday, Claire!

Think what fun the little cousins will have! My sister's kids were born way after mine to really enjoy playing together.

Fionnuala said...

That photo looks scary.....! Fx

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