Saturday, June 28, 2008

Apologies for the lack of posting

You know how sometimes you reach the stage where even though you aren't actually saying anything out loud your brain is going into overdrive all the time so it feels as if you are chatting nine to the dozen?
It's been one of those weeks so even though I've not been blogging as much as usual it feels very much as if I have gabbing non-stop to you all and filling you in on all the useless little details of life chez Allan.
Anyway, we bade (bid? Bidded?) the nursery school a fond farewell on Friday. It was a highly charged moment, saying goodbye to the teachers. His key worker hugged both me and him and then started to cry, which started me to crying all the same.
I'd like to think her tears were of sadness at saying goodbye rather than relief.
I'm now trying to explain to the boy what it means to have eight weeks of summer holidays where he won't have to go to school once. He doesn't get it. He is all set for P1 on Monday - it's going to be a long eight weeks.
I'm now counting down til the start of next week when I go to bonny Scotland for two days to see my gorgeous friend Vicki. I am stupidly excited, but mildly dreading the faff that is Ryanair. I tell you cheap flights are a thing of the past. The boy is going with me, and is also very excited - because Vicki is the owner of a surly cat. The boy likes all animals - surly or not - which is probably why he gets along so well with me.
Anyway, sorry this is boring, and random and all - but as soon as the voices in my head shut up, I'll tell you my potentially very exciting news in glorious technicolour.

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